The Catholic Church describes a collection of works of mercy to fulfill the great commandment to “love they neighbor.” Use this lesson plan and the activities below to help teach your students about the seven corporal works of mercy and seven spiritual works of mercy.
Works of Mercy Lesson Objective
- SWBAT explain the difference between the Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of Mercy.
- SWBAT list the works of mercy.
- SWBAT explain how they can live out each work of mercy.
- SWF compelled to carry out one work of mercy.
Works of Mercy Lesson Activities
Present: Works of Mercy Video
Have students watch the video and write down the name of each work of mercy and one way they can live it out in their lives today.
The corporal works of mercy are:
- Feed the Hungry
- Give Drink to the Thirsty
- Clothe the Naked
- Shelter the Homeless
- Visit the Sick
- Visit the Imprisoned
- Bury the Dead
The spiritual works of mercy are:
- Counsel the Doubtful
- Instruct the Ignorant
- Admonish Sinners
- Comfort the Sorrowful
- Forgive Offenses
- Bear Wrongs Patiently
- Pray for the Living and the Dead
I created a graphic organizer for students to use with this video. You can download it here:
Enter your email above and I will send you a copy of the handout.
Practice: Works of Mercy Sorting Activity
Help your students remember each one of the works of mercy using this sorting activity from Sara J. Creations:
Get the Works of Mercy Sorting Printable
You can also have students create their own simple version of the sorting activity by writing the names of each work of mercy on index cards and sorting them into groups (Corporal or Spiritual).
Practice: Works of Mercy Posters
Assign each student one (or more) of the fourteen Works of Mercy. (Students can also work in pairs or groups for this activity).
Using a poster board, butcher paper, or large sheets of paper, have students create a poster drawing of their work of mercy. On the back of the posters, have them list as many ways they can live out that work of mercy that they can think of. (Give them a goal. For example: List ten ways to live out the work of mercy.)
Have the students present their posters and list of ways to live out their work of mercy to the class.
Works of Mercy Worksheets
The Religion Teacher’s Works of Mercy Worksheets includes one handout for every Corporal and Spiritual Work of Mercy to help students understand and reflect on ways they can carry them out.
This resource can be downloaded with a membership to The Religion Teacher or purchased separately here.
Proof: Works of Mercy in Action
The goal is to motivate your students to WANT to carry out one of the works of mercy.
Give them a sheet of paper or an index card.
Have students list the three works of mercy they feel are most important.
Then have them write one way they can carry out each of these works of mercy by the end of the month.
Then have them pick one work of mercy to start today. Give them some time to brainstorm the steps they will need to take at home to begin.
Check in with them on a weekly basis to encourage them to actually carry out that work of mercy. Let the students share their experiences as they do their works of mercy.
Works of Mercy Activities Collection
Here is a collection of activities from other websites to help you teach about the works of mercy:
The Religion Teacher’s Works of Mercy Worksheets
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy Activities (The Catholic Toolbox)
Works of Mercy Booklets (Catechist’s Journey)
Works of Mercy Prayers and Activities (Catechist’s Journey)
Corporal Works of Mercy Movie Trailers (Catechist’s Journey)
The Mercy Rule (Catechist’s Journey)
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy Sorting Activity (Sara J. Creations)
Practical Ideas for Works of Mercy for Kids (Look to Him and Be Radiant)
Corporal Works of Mercy Mini-Book and Coloring Page (Look to Him and Be Radiant)
Spiritual Works of Mercy Mini-Book and Coloring Page (Look to Him and Be Radiant)
How to Practice the Works of Mercy (Blessed Is She)