Help your students meditate on the events of Holy Week and Easter with The Religion Teacher’s Paschal Mystery Worksheet Collection.
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Invite your students to take the time to read, reflect, and respond in prayer to the stories of Jesus Christ’s Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Use these worksheets during Lent, Holy Week, Easter or any time of year in which your students will learn about these most significant events in the Bible.
Here is the list of worksheets in this collection:
- The Plans of the Sanhedrin Worksheet (John 11:45-56)
- The Anointing at Bethany Worksheet (John 12:1-11)
- Jesus Enters Jerusalem Worksheet (Luke 19:28–40)
- Cleansing the Temple Worksheet (Luke 19:45–48)
- Washing the Disciples Feet Worksheet (John 13)
- The Last Supper Worksheet (Luke 22:7–20)
- The Betrayal of Judas Worksheet (John 13:21-33, 36-38)
- “Surely, Not I Lord” Worksheet (Matthew 26:14-25)
- The Agony in the Garden Worksheet (Luke 22:39–46)
- Peter’s Denial of Jesus Worksheet (Luke 22:31–34; 54–65)
- Peter Denies Jesus Worksheet (John 18)
- Christ the King and Pilate Worksheet (John 18)
- Jesus and Barabbas Worksheet (Mark 15)
- The Passion of Christ Worksheet (Mark 15)
- Simon of Cyrene Carries the Cross (Luke 23:26)
- Daughters of Jerusalem Worksheet (Luke 23:27–32)
- The Crucifixion Worksheet (Luke 23:33-43)
- Jesus King of the Jews Worksheet (Matthew 27:37)
- Jesus, Remember Me Worksheet (Luke 23:35-43)
- The Seven Last Words of Christ Worksheet (Luke 23:34–49)
- Behold, Your Mother Worksheet (John 19)
- The Burial of Jesus Worksheet (Luke 23:50–56)
- The Resurrection of Jesus Worksheet (Luke 24:1–12)
- The Empty Tomb Worksheet (John 20)
- Go Tell about the Resurrection Worksheet (Matthew 28)
- The Road to Emmaus Worksheet (Luke 24:13-35)
- The Risen Jesus Appears to the Disciples Worksheet (Luke 24:35-48)
- Doubting Thomas Worksheet (John 20)
- Do You Love Me? Worksheet (John 21)
- Receive the Holy Spirit Pentecost Worksheet (John 20)
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit Pentecost Worksheet (Acts 2)
- Sent from the Ascension Worksheet (Matthew 28)
- Be My Witnesses Ascension Worksheet (Acts 1)
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