When you read a parable with your students, help them understand the meaning of the story, but also guide them to reflect on what the parable means for them today. Challenge them to imagine what Jesus is saying to them through the parable.
One of the ways to help students engage more deeply with a story in the Bible, is to have them act out the story as a skit then lead them in a reflection about the parable they performed.
I wrote this script for my class to perform in class to help them understand what it takes to accept God’s invitation to join him in his kingdom.
You can copy and paste the script into a separate word document or you can download a PDF of the script along with discussion questions about the parable here:
The Parable of the Great Feast Explained
Before asking your students to perform the parable in a skit, read the Scripture passage together as a class (Luke 14:15-24). Then help them understand the meaning of the parable.
Share this video with them to help explain who each person represents in the parable:
The Parable of the Great Feast: A Class Skit
Setting: The master of the house sits in a chair with a servant coming to see him. The invited guests can remain at their desks and the servant will go out to them to invite them to the feast.
Narrator: The master of the house prepared a great feast and called his servant to go out and extend invitations to many people.
Master: Go, say to those who are invited “Come; for everything is ready now.”
Servant: Yes, sir.
Narrator: So the servant went out to the first invited guest.
[The servant walks up to the first invited guest.]
Servant: Come; for everything is ready now.
Invited Guest 1: I have bought a piece of land, and I must go out and see it; please accept my regrets.
Narrator: So the servant went out to another guest.
[The servant walks up to the second invited guest.]
Servant: Come; for everything is ready now.
Invited Guest 2: I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them out; please accept my regrets.
Narrator: So the servant went out to a third guest.
[The servant walks up to the third invited guest.]
Servant: Come; for everything is ready now.
Invited Guest 3: I have just been married, and therefore I cannot come.
Narrator: So the servant returned to the master to report what the invited guests had said.
[The servant returns to the front of the room to speak with the master.]
Servant: Sir, I have extended your invitation to all the invited guests and none of them will come.
Master: Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the town and bring the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.
Narrator: The servant went out and did as his master ordered.
[The servant goes to the class and tells the group of poor, crippled, blind, and lame to join them at the feast, then he returns to the master with the group of newly welcomed guests.]
Servant: Sir, what you ordered has been done and there is still room.
Master: Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled. For I tell you, none of those who were invited will taste my dinner!
Narrator: The servant went out to find the people of the highways and hedgerows, who were ashamed to live in the city.
[The servant goes to the rest of the class and announces the invitation.]
Servant: Come; join my master’s great feast!
People of the Highways and Hedgerows: Hooray!
[Everyone but the three invited guests come to the front of the room for the great feast.]
Scripture quotations based on New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Download the Script & Discussion Questions
Enter your email address here and I will send you a formatted PDF with the script and a collection of post-performance discussion questions.
Looking for more Parable Resources?
Check out The Religion Teacher’s Parable Worksheet Pack, which includes thirty-four worksheets to help your students read, reflect, and pray with the parables of Jesus Christ.