Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the most important Marian devotions in the history of the Catholic Church. Mary’s appearance to Saint Juan Diego led to the conversion of countless people to Christianity.
Teach your students about the Our Lady of Guadalupe story with the short summary and reflection questions below.
You can also download and print the worksheet version of the summary with the reflection questions:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Story Summary & Reflection Questions
Feast Day: December 12
In 1519 Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortez, arrived in Mexico to conquer the Aztec Empire. Most of the Aztecs opposed Christianity because of the cruelty of the conquistadors, but in 1531 things began to change. A baptized Christian native named Juan Diego was on his way to mass one morning when a beautiful Aztec princess appeared to him calling herself Holy Mary of Guadalupe. She sent him to the bishop of Mexico to ask him to build a chapel on the hill where she appeared. At first the bishop did not believe Juan Diego and asked him to show a sign to prove the apparition was real. She appeared to him again and instructed him to collect roses in his tilma (cloak) to bring to the bishop. When Juan Diego opened his tilma to give the flowers to the bishop, they were amazed to see the image we know today as Our Lady of Guadalupe exactly as she had appeared to Juan Diego on Tepeyac hill. The bishop had a chapel constructed on the hill and later a basilica was built to house the miraculous image. Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe led to miracles and the conversions of many people in Mexico. It remains a central part of Catholic identity and devotion in Central America today. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of the Americas and many dioceses throughout the United States and Mexico.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Reflection Questions
- Why do you think so many native people were inspired by this story and image?
- What do you think the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe shows about who the Virgin
Mary is and what she does for us today?
- What intention would you like Our Lady of Guadalupe to pray for the Americas?
Download the Our Lady of Guadalupe Worksheet

Download the Our Lady of Guadalupe Worksheet. It includes three questions to help your students reflect on their own lives as it relates to the story of Mary’s apparition to Saint Juan Diego.
Get More Our Lady Worksheets
This worksheets is included in The Religion Teacher’s Our Lady Worksheet Collection, which offers a packet of twelve handouts featuring some of the most popular Marian devotions: Guadalupe, Fatima, Lourdes, Undoer of Knots, and more.
This worksheet is also featured in The Religion Teacher’s Saints Worksheet Collection.