Use this lesson plan to teach your students about their guardian angels so they will turn to them in times of need. At the bottom of this guardian angel lesson plan you will also find a collection of activities.
Guardian Angel Lesson Objectives
- Students will be able to explain what guardian angels do according to the Bible and the Catholic Church’s teaching.
- Students will feel comforted by the presence of a guardian angel in their lives today.
Guardian Angel Lesson Activities
Guardian Angel Lesson Hook
Show this popular painting, Holy Guardian Angel (“Heilige Schutzengel” in German) by Lindberg, which shows an angel following two children crossing a bridge:

Ask the students to look closely at the painting and discuss:
- What is the angel doing in the painting?
- What do you think will happen next?
- Do you think angels do this in real life today? Why or why not?
- Have you ever felt the presence of an angel like this in your life?
Guardian Angel Presentation
First, give a broad overview of angels. They are real and they continue to be active in the world today.
This video gives a brief overview of what angels are and what they do in both the Bible and today:
Next, explain what the Catholic Church teaches about guardian angels.
Share this short video with your students:
According to the video, guardian angels play three main roles in our lives:
- The protect us.
- The pray for us.
- They proclaim messages from God.
Guardian Angel Meditation Activity
Guide your students in a simple reflection about their guardian angels. You can use these questions as writing prompts or download the Guardian Angel Prayer worksheet below.
- What are some of the things your guardian angel saw you do today?
- What would you like your guardian angel to protect you from the rest of the day?
- What would you like your guardian angel to pray about to God for you today?
Pray the Guardian Angel Prayer
The students might already be familiar with the Guardian Angel Prayer. It is commonly said by children, but it is a short and powerful prayer for people of any age.
Share the text of the prayer with them:
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day,
be at my side,
to light and guard,
rule and guide.
Guardian Angel Prayer Worksheet

This worksheet will help your students reflect on the role of their guardian angels in their lives and think of intentions to pray along with the guardian angel prayer.
This worksheet is a part of The Religion Teacher’s Prayer Worksheet Collection, which you can download here or access as a member here.
More Guardian Angel Activities, Worksheets, and Crafts
Feast of the Guardian Angels Crafts (Catholic Icing)
Guardian Angel Prayer Activities (The Catholic Toolbox)
Guardian Angel Kids Craft (Faith and Fabric)
Guardian Angel Lesson Plan for First Grade (Catechism Angel)
Guardian Angel Crafts (The Koala Mom)
Guardian Angel Craft (Karen’s Adventures in Mommyland)
Feast of the Holy Angels Craft (The Little Ways)