If you sat down to think about it, you could probably come up with a long list of things that God gives us to make us better people. There are a whole host of gifts that allow us to reach our dreams and conquer our greatest challenges, but based on the Scriptures (Isaiah 11:2-3) and the Church’s teaching we know that there are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel (right judgment), fortitude (courage) , piety (reverence), and fear of the Lord (wonder and awe).
This lesson plan about the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit will help students recognize and appreciate the gifts that God considers to be most important and understand how they can turn to the Holy Spirit for an increase in God’s gifts especially through the sacrament of Confirmation.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit Lesson Objectives
- SWBAT list the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- SWBAT recognize the gifts they have already been given the most.
- SWBAT make connections between the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their personal lives (particularly their goals and dreams).
Gifts of the Holy Spirit Lesson Assessment
- Exit Cards
- Journal Assignment
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Activities
1. Bell Work
List all of the skills, talents, gifts, etc. that you have been given by God and provide one example of how you have used that gift.
(Note: Provide an example from your personal life such as: “For example, I have been given the ability to sing well and I use that gift to sing loudly in Church on Sundays.”)
2. Presentation: 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Video & Worksheet
Watch “The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit” video.
Use The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Worksheet graphic organizer to help them take notes on the video. You can download it here:

3. Flashcards
Have students create flashcards with each of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit labeled on one side and synonyms and definitions on the other side. Once they have finished making the cards, give them time to memorize the gifts and their meanings with a friend.
4. Journaling
While each of us receives the gifts of the Spirit in special ways at Confirmation, we have all been given a portion of these gifts by the grace of the Sacrament of Baptism and our daily prayer. Have students choose a few or all of the gifts and write how they have used each gift in a positive way in their lives lately.
(Members: Use one of the worksheets in The Religion Teacher’s Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Worksheets to help students reflect on the gifts they have or need the most in their lives right now.)
5. Class Activity
Label different parts of the room with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you are crafty, create labels ahead of time that resemble balls of flames (or tongues of fire).
Have students write one gift that they would like to receive from God the most on one side of a piece of paper and how they will use that gift to become a better person on the other side. Again, use papers shaped in tongues of fire or create them as a class project.
6. A Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Lord Jesus Christ, send down your Spirit upon me.
When I am uncertain, grant me wisdom.
When I am confused, grant me understanding.
When I am ignorant, grant me knowledge.
When I am wandering, grant me counsel.
When I am afraid, grant me fortitude.
When I am separated from you, grant me piety.
When I am selfish, grant me the fear of the Lord.
I ask for an outpouring of your Spirit with all of these gifts in your name.

7. Assessment
On a blank note card (“exit cards“) have students list the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit from memory without looking at the board, their notes, or the walls of the room.
Additional Holy Spirit Resources
There are many Holy Spirit resources available to premium members of The Religion Teacher including videos on the symbols and effects of Confirmation.
As a member, you can also download the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit video to your computer so you don’t have to be connected to the Internet and YouTube.
Plus, there are many worksheets to help teach about the Holy Spirit, including two worksheets about Pentecost (here and here), The Religion Teacher’s Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Worksheets, and others about how the Spirit is working in our lives.
Nice plans. Looks like the same plans used by Teach for America
I’m not familiar with TFA plans, but I’ll take that as a compliment!
Thanks for all the great ideas. I will be trying them out with my 8th graders preparing for confirmation. Let me know if you are aware of anymore resources, especially videos. They love videos.
Thanks Ed, I’ll be adding more videos throughout the year. Thanks for the feedback.
Ed & Jared,
Father Barron (The Word on Fire) has a clip on ‘The Sacrement of Confirmation’. Go to YouTube and search for it. FR Barron provides a great explaination of each of the Gifts. I used his video as a supplement for my Confirmation class when we were learning about the gifts. I also wove in the Apollo 8, Christmas Eve message with Earth as a backdrop for Wonder & Awe. Then had the clip with the 911 tape for the Georgia school secretary who talked the gunman into giving up to illustrate courage.
Thank Jared. I’ll use the video and lesson plan for teaching and learning activity.
WOW!!! What a gift from God to have found your website. I am a new homeschooling mom trying to prepare my daughter for receiving the sacrament of confirmation & this is such a HUGE help!!! Having had such poor catechesis growing up, I, too, am learning alongside my daughter…
May God bless you abundantly for sharing your GIFTS with us!!!
thanks for sharing with us your great ideas about teaching religion. may your tribe increase! more power…
I’m so grateful that I found your website because another ideas and methodology in teaching I learn although I graduated a Two Year formation as a Catechist but I accept that my two year in studying Catechism it is not enough I need to Read, to explore more … I wanted to buy those books you suggested to be read but I do know if those books is available in my homeland…i do so,.
thank you so much “Kuya” ( Big Bro)..May Our Almighty Father in Heaven Bless you and your family and staff always…”Christ mission is our Call”
WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful video on seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. May God continue to bless you!
What are the answers to the question How do the gifts of the Holy Spirit affect our lives?
Skip to the end of the video and you will see the answers in the bottom left corner.
Kindly send me free copies of all materials available. Warm regards and as Catechists all these will be useful sharing them with grade schoolers i’m handling in three public schools here in Sta. Rosa Laguna Philippines. I’ll be very grateful for your positive response to my request. God Bless always Sir Jared.
Thank you and God bless you for using your wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit so faithfully and expertly.
I am a Catechist in Western Australia – a most rewarding work that I started in 1993. It is so good to see that there is such excellent support for all Catechists.