Jesus Christ feeding the 5,000 people (Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6) is one of the most popular miracles in the gospels. In the story a large crowd of thousands of people follow him and his disciples to a deserted place. There isn’t enough food to feed them and the disciples got worried. They gathered five loaves and two fish and Jesus blessed and multiplied the loaves and fish to feed more than five thousand people.
Here are a few activities I found to be useful in a lesson plan to teach kids about this miraculous story:
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand Activities
Feeding the Five Thousand Group Activities (Sermons 4 Kids)
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Elementary Lesson (Ministry Spark)
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Bible Lesson Craft (123 Homeschool 4 Me)
Jesus Feeds 5,000 Preschool Activities (Preschool Plan It)
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Sunday School Craft (Blessings Overflowing)
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Sunday School Lesson (ChildrensMinistry.com)
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Sunday School Lesson on Matthew 14:13-21 (Sunday School Works!)
Montessori-inspired Activities for Jesus Feeding the 5,000 (Christian Montessori Network)
Feeding the 5,000: A Bible Story for Kids & Reflection Questions (Jared Dees)
Feeding of the 5,000 Video: Summary and Meaning
Here is a short video summary and reflection on the meaning of the Feeding of the 5,000 story for your students:
Feeding the 5,000 Worksheet
One of the ways to help students make connections to this story is to think about the ways they can help feed the hungry and homeless in their communities. The disciples saw that there were thousands of people without food. Jesus helped them feed the multitude. In the same way, disciples today can feed the hungry and homeless in our communities.
Download this Feeding the 5,000 Loaves and Fishes Worksheet. It is one of the weekly Gospel reading worksheets available to members of The Religion Teacher:

Download and print this worksheet for students to use in class or at home with their families!