September 17th is the feast day of Saint Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, and patron saint of catechists and catechumens.
He was born in 1542 at the height of the Protestant Reformation. Like many saints, he was from a noble family and suffered form an assortment of health issues. He became a Jesuit and soon became a professor of theology writing in defense of the Catholic Church against the Protestant reformers.
Like his fellow patron of catechists, St. Charles Borromeo, Bellarmine wrote his own catechism for catechists to use to teach the faith. Unlike some bishops and cardinals who lived austere lives, Bellarmine gave much of his riches to the poor.
Want to teach your students about his life? Try this resource: Saint Robert Bellarmine Worksheet. It is one of the 100+ saint worksheets for members of The Religion Teacher.
Further Reading:
- SQPN Info on St. Robert Bellarmine
- Robert Bellarmine: Spiritual Writings
- EWTN background on St. Robert Bellarmine
- My reflection on the lives of both Patron Saints of Catechists
St. Robert Bellarmine Prayer
The Collect for his feast day:
God our Father,
you gave Robert Bellarmine wisdom and goodness
to defend the faith of your Church.
By his prayers
may we always rejoice in the profession of our faith.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
St. Robert Belllarmine Videos
Consider viewing this video from the Fr. Kubicki and the Apostleship of Prayer on St. Robert Bellarmine’s feast day on September 17, 2010.
Or this video from Arcadia Films on Repentance:
Bellarmine’s catechism was very important. It came at a time, right after the Reformation, when it was vital for people to understand what the Catholic Church really taught. He is a great catechetical saint. Thanks for the reminder.
Love the new site!
I’ve always been impressed with Bellarmine’s correspondence with Galileo, which tends to explode the “Church Hates Science” meme.
St. Robert Bellarmine is one of my heroes. It’s my wish to obtain an English language
copy each of the document of canonization and declaration as a Doctor of the Church.
st bellarmie is the best saint ever i seen.