Here is the second installment of the video series based on The Religion Teacher’s Guide to Lesson Planning free e-book. In this tutorial you will learn:
- The three parts to lesson objectives
- Why “Students Will Be Able To…” is better than “Students will…”
- A simplified taxonomy compared to Bloom’s Taxonomy and Marzano’s New Taxonomy
- How to choose which verb to use
- How to write the objectives into the Lesson Planning Template (download it at lesson planning resources page)
If you are unable to see this video, you can watch it on The Religion Teacher YouTube Channel:
How to Create Lesson Objectives for Your Lesson Plan
The Guide to Lesson Planning Video Series:
- Step 1: Lesson Preparation
- Step 2: Creating Lesson Objectives
- Step 3: Determine the Lesson Assessment
- Step 4: Selecting Teaching Strategies and Activities
To get access to this free e-book, sign-up for The Religion Teacher’s newsletter: