Pope Francis declared 2025 to be a Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church. This lesson plan provides some ideas for teaching about this Holy Year and the ways your students can participate without making an actual pilgrimage to Rome. Jubilee Year Lesson Objectives Jubilee Year Lesson Activities Lesson Hook It may seem like an odd…
Who was Ruth in the Bible? Video and Worksheet
The Book of Ruth is a short book in the Old Testament telling an inspiring story about the life of King David’s great-grandmother. Kids will find inspiration in Ruth’s loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi as well as her trust in God. Who was Ruth in the Bible? Video Here is a video introduction to Ruth’s…
King Solomon Activities & Worksheet
Here is a collection of activities, crafts, and worksheets you can use to teach about the life of King Solomon in the Bible. King Solomon Activities The Story of Solomon Lesson (Ministry-to-Children) Solomon: The Wisest King? Lesson and Games (Ministry-to-Children) King Solomon Sunday School Activities (Christianity Cove) Solomon Sunday School Lesson (Children’s Ministry Deals) King…
The Life of J. R. R. Tolkien Biography Worksheet
J. R. R. Tolkien was one of the most successful Catholic writers in the 20th century. His life, work, and faith continue to be an inspiration for people today. You can teach about his life with the biography and reflection questions below or download and print the worksheet version of the biography and questions here:…
St. Patrick’s Day Catholic Activities & Worksheets
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by teaching your students the story of the real Saint Patrick of Ireland with some of these Catholic activities and worksheets. Saint Patrick Catholic Activities Saint Patrick’s Day Catholic Resource List (Catholic Icing) Saint Patrick’s Day Activities for Kids (Real Life at Home) Saint Patrick’s Day Activities and Lesson Plans (Catholic…
The Life of Pope Benedict XVI Worksheet
Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) was one of the most influential Catholic theologians and leaders in the 20th and 21st centuries. You can teach about his life with the biography and reflection questions below. You can also download and print the worksheet version of the biography and questions here: Download the Worksheet > Pope Benedict…
Our Lady of Guadalupe Worksheet
Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the most important Marian devotions in the history of the Catholic Church. Mary’s appearance to Saint Juan Diego led to the conversion of countless people to Christianity. Teach your students about the Our Lady of Guadalupe story with the short summary and reflection questions below. You can also…
King David Biography Worksheet
It is important for children to know about the life of King David from the Old Testament. They might know a few stories about his life, but this biography will help them fully understand his life as both a child and king. Copy and paste this page into Word document or download the PDF of…
Christian Heresies Worksheet (Church History)
One helpful way to understand what we believe as Christians is to clarify what we do not believe. A heresy is a teaching that is rejected by the Church. There have been many clearly defined heresies throughout the history of the Catholic Church especially in the early years as the Nicene Creed was developed. Download…
Saint Nicholas Worksheet and Activities
Saint Nicholas of Myra was a bishop in the fourth century. His life and legends inspired many family traditions around Christmas time including Santa Claus and hanging stockings. Teach your kids about the life and legend of the real Saint Nicholas with some of these activities and printable worksheets. Saint Nicholas Biography and Reflection Questions…