Introduce your students to the Catechism of the Catholic Church‘s five forms of prayer with this video: How do we pray? When many people hear the word “prayer,” they think about us asking God for help, but that is only one way to pray. The Catechism of the Catholic Church divides prayer into five forms: petition, intercession,…
The Jesus Prayer
The Jesus Prayer is a simple and powerful way to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with an open heart ready to receive his mercy: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This very ancient prayer is known as the Jesus Prayer. It has been used for centuries in monastic…
Mortal Sin vs. Venial Sin Video & Worksheet
Download and print the Mortal Sin vs. Venial Sin graphic organizer worksheet for students to complete while watching this video: Download the Mortal Sin vs. Venial Sin Worksheet > Scripture and the Catholic Church make clear distinctions between two different kinds of sin based on the gravity of sin: mortal sin and venial sin. First,…
Video: The Common Good | Catholic Social Teaching
This video is a part of The Religion Teacher’s Catholic Social Teaching Activity Pack. To get the graphic organizer to accompany this video as well as more than a dozen other worksheets, login to The Religion Teacher, buy the activity pack, or become a premium member. The Common Good At the foundation of Catholic Social…
Video: Subsidiarity | Catholic Social Teaching
This video is a part of The Religion Teacher’s Catholic Social Teaching Activity Pack. To get the graphic organizer to accompany this video as well as more than a dozen other worksheets, login to The Religion Teacher, buy the activity pack, or become a premium member. Subsidiarity What if the highest or at least the…
Video: The Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
This video is a part of The Religion Teacher’s Catholic Social Teaching Activity Pack. To get the graphic organizer to accompany this video as well as more than a dozen other worksheets, login to The Religion Teacher, buy the activity pack, or become a premium member. The Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching Video The…
Lesson Plan: Pope Francis TED Talk
Pope Francis surprised the conference guests (and the world) when he offered the first TED talk by a pope. TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design.” It is a conference that is popular among tech startups, science enthusiasts, and Silicon valley entrepreneurs. The talks given during these conferences are distributed online and often have viral messages…
Video: Easter Meaning (Why Is Easter Called Easter?)
Why is Easter Called Easter? In this short video you will come to a better understanding of the origin and meaning of the word “Easter.” First, it is important to understand that in most languages other than English and German, the root word for the season of Easter is actually Pasch as in Paschal or…
Video: What is Laetare Sunday?
Show this video in class to help students understand and prepare for Laetare Sunday, the name for the Fourth Sunday of Lent when priests wear rose vestments. As you shows the video, use the graphic organizer, which is available for download at the bottom of this page. (Members can download this video and graphic organizer here.) What…