In this lesson your students will understand the meaning of the Sign of the Cross. When they make the Sign of the Cross, they will remember the sacrifice Jesus made for them and affirm their belief in the Holy Trinity. The format for the lesson is a simplified version of Lectio Divina Lesson Planning called…
Lesson Plans
The Archangels Lesson Plan
This is a mini-lesson plan about the Archangels to help you teach your students about Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. The format for the lesson is a simplified version of Lectio Divina Lesson Planning called The RE3 Framework: Read, Reflect, and Respond. Learn more about The RE3 Framework here. Archangels Lesson Objectives Read Here is…
Jesus Calms the Storm Lesson Plan & Activities
Reading the story of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee can be a powerful way to strengthen our faith. Introduce your students to this story and help them replace any fears they have with a greater faith in Jesus Christ with this short lesson and collection of activities. Jesus Calming the Storm…
The Parable of the Mustard Seed Lesson Plan & Activities
The Parable of the Mustard Seed is one of the shortest yet most popular parables in the Gospels. This is the Parable of the Mustard Seed according to Matthew: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but…
Visitation Lesson Plan, Worksheet, & Activities
The Visitation is the story of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth in the Gospel of Luke. Mary and Elizabeth were both pregnant. When Elizabeth saw Mary, the infant (John the Baptist) leapt in her womb. Two familiar Catholic prayers have been inspired by this story. First, in the Hail Mary, we echo the words…
Apostles Lesson Plan and Activities
Who were the Twelve Apostles? Why are they important to the beginning of Christianity and the Church today? This Apostles lesson plan will introduce your students to the significant role the Apostles played in the gospels and the early Church as well as the legacy they maintain today. Scroll to the bottom of the post…
Works of Mercy Lesson Plan & Activities
The Catholic Church describes a collection of works of mercy to fulfill the great commandment to “love they neighbor.” Use this lesson plan and the activities below to help teach your students about the seven corporal works of mercy and seven spiritual works of mercy. Works of Mercy Lesson Objective Works of Mercy Lesson Activities…
Catholic Virtues Lesson Plan
One of the greatest gifts we can give to our students is the desire to grow in virtue. There are seven important Catholic virtues to introduce to our students so that they can integrate them into their lives. These virtues include the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity (love) and the four cardinal…
Old Testament Prophets Lesson Plan
This lesson plan will introduce students to the prophetic books of the Old Testament and the main messages they brought to God’s people. For additional resources including 21 worksheets about each of the Old Testament Prophets, check out The Religion Teacher’s Prophet’s worksheet Pack. Prophets Lesson Objectives Students will be able to (SWBAT) differentiate between…
Election & Voting Lesson Plan for Catholic Religious Education
As religious educators working in Catholic schools or volunteering in Catholic parishes, we have the opportunity to teach young people about the right to vote in a democratic election. This topic becomes even more important during the presidential election years in the United States. In this lesson plan I wanted to offer a basic framework…