This Ash Wednesday lesson plan is a part of The Religion Teacher’s Lenten Activity Pack, which includes lesson plans, a Lenten video series for kids, 20+ worksheets, prayers, and other activity ideas to help students encounter the love of Christ during Lent. Want a preview? Check out the Lenten Video Series that is used in…
Why do I have to confess my sins to a priest in the Catholic Church?
With the recent buzz around the new Confession iPhone App by LittleiApps, I thought it might be a timely discussion about the often asked question, “Why do I need to confess my sins to a priest?” The reasons might surprise you.
A Reflection on Developing Virtues in Teens
One thing that separates religious education from other disciplines is that religion teachers and catechists go beyond teaching about the faith to teach students how to have faith. This is especially the case with the Christian moral life. With Christ as our model, teachers show students how to be moral persons. They do this by…
Lenten Reflection: Begin with the End in Mind
Before you decide what to give up for Lent this year, I want you to consider something very important. Don’t forget Easter. Easter is the end of Lent. Easter gives meaning to Lent, indeed to time itself. Easter celebrates the greatest joy known to man: new life! Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ and…