Colleen Schulze shared this incredible Lenten activity idea with me and The Religion Teacher Newsletter list. She agreed to allow me to publish it here for others to use with their students during the Lenten season leading up to Easter. Here is Colleen: My students and I make “sin smoothies” during Lent. First, we talk…
Palm Sunday Lesson Plan & Activities
Teach your students about Palm Sunday and Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem with this lesson plan and collection of activities, crafts, worksheets, and teaching ideas. Palm Sunday Lesson Objectives Palm Sunday Lesson Lesson Hook If the President (or prime minister, king, etc.) was coming to visit your school, how would the teachers and students welcome his…
A Passion Play (Crucifixion of Christ) Skit Script
Commemorate the most significant moments of the passion and death of Jesus Christ with this class skit script. Students will perform a passion play beginning with the Last Supper and ending with the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The goal of the skit is to help students experience the passion and death of Jesus Christ and…
The Last Supper Skit Script
One of the things I really want my students to be able to do is imagine themselves in the story of the Last Supper. This is essentially what happens during the consecration of the Catholic Mass. So, in order to prepare them to understand more deeply how powerful this event is in the life of…
Lent Project and Lesson Plan Ideas
Forty days. We have forty days to help young people grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ during Lent. How do we make the most of our time with them? First, think about some ongoing Lenten projects you can do with the students this year. How can you check in with them each time…
Holy Week Lesson Plan & Worksheets
You can use this lesson plan during Holy Week to teach about the Triduum. Holy Week Lesson Objectives SWBAT list the events that occur during Holy Week and the Triduum. SWBAT live as Jesus showed us to live in the Holy Thursday and Good Friday Gospel readings. SWF admiration for Jesus because of the sacrifices…
Stations of the Cross Activities, Worksheets, and Coloring Pages
The Stations of the Cross is a wonderful devotion for you to practice with your class during Lent. If possible, devote some of your class time to the preparation for or participation in the Stations of the Cross. Use these Stations of the Cross activities and printables to help teach about Christ’s Passion and Death…
Video: What is Laetare Sunday?
Show this video in class to help students understand and prepare for Laetare Sunday, the name for the Fourth Sunday of Lent when priests wear rose vestments. As you shows the video, use the graphic organizer, which is available for download at the bottom of this page. (Members can download this video and graphic organizer here.) What…
Liturgical Year Lesson Plan and Flashcard Activity
How do you introduce young people to the liturgical year? Most catechists and religion teachers spend in-depth class meetings focusing on each individual seasons, especially during Advent and Lent. Sometimes, though, it is important to zoom out and help young people see the whole picture. The liturgical years isn’t about colors and rituals. The seasons…
Holy Week Prayer Services
There are a number of great Holy Week prayer services for kids that religion teachers and catechists can use in class the week before Easter. We should all use this time, known as the Triduum, as a special week of preparation for the joys of Easter with particular focus on preparing our hearts with the…