One of the most popular activities in religious education classrooms during the season of Advent is updating and using Advent calendars to prepare for Christmas. Advent calendars come in many different variations. Like the Jesse Tree, Advent calendars can become daily opportunities to focus each day on the preparation for Advent. The Advent calendars are…
Feast Days
St. Cecilia, Patron Saint of Music, Activities and Prayers
The feast day of St. Cecilia, patron saint of music falls perfectly right around Thanksgiving on November 22. The days around Thanksgiving can be either stressful with exams or laid back with movies and break.
Advent Activities
Now Available: The Religion Teacher’s Advent Activity Pack and Jesse Tree Kit. The Internet is loaded with advent activities of all sorts and kids. Check out the following links to help guide your way. Here are some general advent activity hubs on the web. These pages have other great resources to check out: USCCB Advent…
The Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine, Patron Saint of Catechists
September 17th is the feast day of Saint Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, and patron saint of catechists and catechumens. He was born in 1542 at the height of the Protestant Reformation. Like many saints, he was from a noble family and suffered form an assortment of health issues. He became a Jesuit and…
Lenten Reflection: Begin with the End in Mind
Before you decide what to give up for Lent this year, I want you to consider something very important. Don’t forget Easter. Easter is the end of Lent. Easter gives meaning to Lent, indeed to time itself. Easter celebrates the greatest joy known to man: new life! Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ and…
Saint Thomas Aquinas Prayer Before Study
January 28 is the feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, patron saint of students, schools, and learning. In honor of his feast day, share this prayer before study below with your students. Copy and paste it into a word document and distribute copies for them all to use before big tests and exams. Saint Thomas…