I’m always on the lookout for fun review games to play with my students. When I first started teaching, I had a group of students who were very into sports and games. They would ask me almost daily if they could play games. I was happy to play more games with them as long as…
7 Ways to Review for a Test
There are so many ways to review for a test or exam. With so many tests throughout the year, make sure students are given the opportunity to review in a variety of ways. Consider using these strategies to prepare students to show what they have mastered in their studies.
The Human Board Game to Review for Exams
This is one of the most fun review games I have used with my students. It is a human board game, because the students become the pieces and create the game board themselves. It is a great way to get students out of their desks and moving around.
Top 21 Note-taking Strategies that Will Help Students Score Better on Tests
It is not enough to just teach something and expect students to learn it. Teachers and catechists must assist students as they organize new information within their already pre-existing knowledge about a topic. There are many ways for students to organize new information in through note-taking. Many of the strategies below extend well beyond simple…
End of the School Year Ideas and Activities
The end of the year is quickly approaching for most schools and religious education programs. For teachers this can be just as stressful that the rest of the year. Many students—especially seniors and 8th graders—“check-out” early in the second semester with a bad case of “senioritis.” Other students wait joyfully in anticipation of the close…
Review Games – All Play and No Work?
Is it a waste of time to play review games to prepare for tests? “I pray thee, spare thyself at times: for it becomes a wise man sometimes to relax the big pressure of his attention to work” (Augustine, Music, ii, 15). St. Thomas Aquinas uses this quote from St. Augustine to respond to the…