There have been so many great catechetical links of resources posted on blogs and websites this summer, that I had to share a few. If you haven’t checked out or subscribed to some of these sites, you should definitely do so!
Back to School Prayers (Catholic Faith Education)
What Web Browsers Can Teach Us About Methodology in Ministry (
How Are Students Using Technology? (Engaging Faith)
New Roman Missal: “People of Good Will” – What Does That Mean? (Liturgy and Catechesis Shall Kiss)
God v. gods (My First Year,
Classroom Behavior Expectations (The Catholic Toolbox)
More about “Google+” (A Cyberpilgrim’s Blog)
The Assumption of Mary Coloring Page and Activity (, Paper Dali)
Inclusion of Special Needs Students in Your Classroom (The Catholic Toolbox)
Commissioning Prayers for Catholic School Teachers for Beginning the Year (Catholic School Chronicle)
How to Download and Use YouTube Videos in the Catholic Classroom (Catholic School Chronicle)
Biblical Catechesis that Penetrates to the Heart (
4 Reasons We Avoid Prayer (
Catholic ABC’s (The Book) – A Catholic Preschool Curriculum (Catholic Icing)
Starting this week Joe Paprocki from Catechist’s Journey shares a series of Webinars on “Getting Started as a Catechist.” Check them out: Getting Started as a Catechist Webinars.
Thank you so much for mentioning my blog. I can’t wait to check out the other links you posted. 🙂
You have amazing resources and I love those games!
Hi Jared,
I just thought that I would pop in to let you know that we have lots of great faith based resources on our blog and website, too, that catechists may find quite useful especially our Timeline of Christ and F3 Folders on the Sign of the Cross and Sacramentals. They are very hands on and fun for the kids.
Hi Kalie, I am sorry I didn’t mention your site. I’ve popped in to check it out periodically and you have some really creative things. Keep up the great work!