The News21 Fellows at Columbia have dedicated a portion of their website called “The Charter Explosion” to the growing charter school movement. Recently a special focus was placed on the conversion of Catholic schools to charter schools in Washington, D.C. More and more dioceses like Brooklyn, San Antonio, San Diego, and Chicago are looking to…
The Religion Teacher Blog
Scripture-Based Classroom Rules
When you are developing your classroom rules this year, you may want to consider a couple of Scripture passages to provide a framework for acceptable behaviors. You will, of course, need to create succinct rules such as “follow directions,” “seek permission to get out of your seat by raising your hand,” “raise your hand to…
Harry Wong, The First Days of School
If you are trying to become a more effective teacher, then there is no better book to turn to than Harry Wong’s classic The First Days of School. Harry recently published the 4th edition of the book this year. I can still remember the first time I watched his video: “work, work, work…do, do, do.”…
USCCB on US Economic Life
The USCCB has a great new resource on their website titled “Catholic Teaching on Economic Life.” They have made it the clearing house for information on Catholic Social teaching. If you teach social justice, bookmark it now and refer back to it later this year. You will find resources and information on the Church’s Catholic…
Virtual Symposium on Adolescent Catechesis
Couldn’t make it to the Symposium on Adolescent Cathecesis last year? Me neither, but MyCatholicVoice has something even better: downloadable videos, handouts, and power points of all the presentations. Some of these sessions should not be missed. Click here to visit the Virtual Symposium on Adolescent Catechesis. You will find seminars by such presenters as…
Two Big Changes for the Diocese of Green Bay Catholic Schools
Catholic schools are at a crossroads in the United States today. It is time for innovation or closure. Many dioceses have turned to innovative models to improve the quality of the education they offer in their schools as well as work toward sustainability. The Diocese of Green Bay recently reorganized 10 Catholic schools under the…
New Papal Encyclical: Caritas in Veritate
Pope Benedict XVI’s newest encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), was released this week on the eve of the G-8 Summit in Italy. The encyclical offers a great opportunity for theology teachers and catechists who teach classes on social justice particularly in the areas of global poverty. The Holy Father chose the global economy…
Online Scavi Tour/Scavi-nger Hunt
Visiting St. Peter’s Basilica is an unforgettable experience. The Holy See’s website has now placed a virtual tour of the historic Vatican Necropolis and Tomb of St. Peter. Those of you who have been on the Scavi tour will recognize the ancient streets and burial tombs below the basilica. The interactive tour provides the history…
LA Catholic schools offer summer school substitute
Due to the current economic climate, some public school districts have canceled summer school sessions this year. In Los Angeles Cardinal Mahony announced that students in the Los Angeles Unified School District were welcome to attend Catholic school summer sessions. For students in desperate need for additional instruction, this should be seen as a great…
Merger: OSV and Harcourt Religion Publishers
The economy seems to be hitting religion publishers as much as anyone else. On Wednesday, Our Sunday Visitor announced the acquisition of Harcourt Religion Publishers from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. OSV plans to keep Harcourt’s management team, support staff, and field reps as well as its product line. Archbishop Donald Wuerl, the chairman of…