This prayer turns the Beatitudes into petitions to God. Ask the Lord for his blessing by praying this Beatitudes prayer together.

A Beatitudes Prayer
Dear Lord,
Make me poor in spirit, so I can receive the kingdom of heaven.
When I mourn, help me find comfort.
Make me meek, so that I may inherit the land.
Help me to hunger and thirst for righteousness, so I may be satisfied.
Make me merciful, so I may obtain your mercy.
Make me pure of heart, so I may see you.
Help me to make peace, so I may be called your child.
When I am persecuted for righteousness’ sake, show me your kingdom.
Download the Beatitudes Prayer Printable for Students
Download a printable PDF of this prayer to use at home or in class here:
Additional Beatitudes Resources
Here are a few additional Beatitudes resources you can use in class: