The Catholic Church teaches that the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, was taken up body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life. As a Church we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15 each year.
Here is a collection of activities for the Assumption of Mary to help you prepare your lessons for this important teaching, feast day, and holy day of obligation.
Assumption of Mary Activities
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lesson Connections (Loyola Press)
Assumption of Mary Handprint Craft (Today’s Catholic Teacher)
The Feast of the Assumption Craft (Real Life at Home)
Craft for the Feast of the Assumption (Catholic Playground)
Assumption of Mary Centerpiece Craft (Catholic Inspired)
Assumption of Mary Triptych Craft (Catholic Icing)
Assumption of Mary Resources for Kids (Catholic Icing)
Assumption of Mary Coloring Page Activity (CatholicMom.com)
Assumption of Mary Stained Glass Coloring Page (St. Anne’s Helper)
Assumption of Mary Coloring Advanced Coloring Page (St. Anne’s Helper)
Assumption of Mary Prayer Service (Today’s Catholic Teacher)
The Assumption of Mary Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
What is the Assumption of Mary? Video
This video will help explain the meaning of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to students who are learning about the idea for the first time. In it I explain a little bit of the history of the teaching, its Biblical roots, and why it is important.