Help students explore the meaning of the Ascension of the Lord with a couple of worksheets from The Religion Teacher membership website and The Religion Teacher’s Rosary Activity Pack.
A good catechetical worksheet not only helps students recall information, it helps them reflect on how God is working in their lives today. When I create worksheets either for my classes or to share with visitors of The Religion Teacher, I like to focus on three areas that more or less correspond to the process of Lectio Divina. They are:
- Recall (Lectio): Students recall what they read, learned, or already know.
- Reflect (Lectio, Meditatio): Students reflect on their lives as it connects to what they read or learned.
- Respond (Oratio, Contemplation): Students respond to what they read or learned by praying to God or by transforming their lives in some small way.
I use these three goals to create any of the worksheets you find here or in the membership website.
With the Solemnity of the Ascension, I wanted to create a couple of worksheets that link with the creative side of our students. Check them out:
The Ascension Word Search Worksheet

In general, I am not a big fan of simple word searches. This Ascension word search (and almost all the ones I use) requires students to answer questions about the reading before they can find the answers. Or, if they don’t know the answer, they can find the words and figure out which answer it matches.
What I like best about a word search is honestly the fact that students really enjoy them. Why? Well, one thing that is often missing from the way we educate people today is igniting in them a curiosity and desire to go searching. That is ultimately what learning is all about. We go searching for answers to difficult and unknown questions. While a word search isn’t necessarily difficult, it does facilitate the journey of discovery and gives us the opportunity to coach students not to give up.
This worksheet was create as one of the weekly reading worksheets offered to The Religion Teacher members. You can download it here for free without joining if you like:
The Ascension Post Card Worksheet

This worksheet was created as a part of The Religion Teacher’s Rosary Worksheets for Kids resource. That collection of worksheets, since they are meant for prayer, focuses more on meditation, conversation with God, and conversion. This particular worksheet asks students to think hypothetically about what heaven is like. What would Jesus say to comfort and inspire his disciples after he ascended into heaven? Students will reflect on this as they create a postcard from Jesus.
Explore More Resources
For more resources to teach about the Ascension, check out this collection of Ascension activities.
These two worksheets were offered to The Religion Teacher members in preparation for the Solemnity of the Ascension. Each week members have access to two worksheets that they can use to prepare for the upcoming weekend’s Sunday readings, or to reflect on the past Sunday’s readings.
The Religion Teacher’s Rosary Worksheets for Kids includes a worksheet for each mystery of the Rosary. These worksheets can be used in conjunction with praying each decade of the Rosary. Some teachers and catechists have used them during Holy Week and Lent (Sorrowful Mysteries), Advent (Joyful Mysteries), and Easter (Glorious Mysteries).
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